Thursday 23 January 2014

Orthographic projections.

On Monday 20th I learnt about the differences between first and third angle projections in engineering drawing. This really deals with the positioning of different views of the object drawn.
In the third angle the view is drawn on the side the object is viewed from while with first angle the view is drawn on the other side of the object viewed.

I then drew the view of the bracket below in third angle. The main problem I had was that I did not allocate proportional spaces for different views. This is why the bottom view is next to the plan view.


  1. Good work, nicely recorded. Just one point: the "bottom" view should actually *be* at the bottom, not on the left side. I guess you ran out of space?!

  2. Ah - had I read properly I'd have seen your comment: "I then drew the view of the bracket below in third angle. The main problem I had was that I did not allocate proportional spaces for different views. This is why the bottom view is next to the plan view." :)
