Tuesday 14 January 2014

My knowledge.

Deconstruction / systems analysis.

Partially done this at my workplace in disassembling vehicle components and assembling them together after some repairs are done or replacing other components.


Experienced this on truck brakes which only uses air without brake fluid. I was repairing leaks of air pipes.


This is a common system on all small and pick up vehicle brakes where I had to replace components and bleed the system to remove excess air for efficient operation during braking.

Basic accurate measuring techniques and methods used in engineering.

measured a crankshaft, brake drum diameter in a repair workshop but I am not confident with it.

Transducers and sensors

I know different sensors on a vehicle like the air temperature sensor, coolant temperature sensor, wheel speed sensor and a few more but not exact with transducers which I believe to be actuators.


These are common in the automotive industry, these include starter, alternators and wiper motors which I have been working on for a long time.

Levers and gears

Levers help individuals to apply less effort to move heavy loads or even engage gears in a manual gearbox of a vehicle. Gears transmit drive from one point to the other through shafts.

Energy, energy storage, energy conversion

Energy is in different forms like electrical in batteries, chemical in the fuel and mechanical which involves manual movements and kinetic which is motion too.

Static and dynamic structures in engineering

Static means things which are stationary while dynamic means things which move to do work.

The use of breadboards in electronics.

This is  not really complicated I used them in some of the experiments in the lab.

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